I know it’s a tired phrase - the “fear of public speaking”. Maybe you’re rolling your eyes as you read that phrase. Maybe you’re nodding your head emphatically because you know what it feels like to dread being in front of room for a presentation or speech. For many, it’s just as stressful to have a one-on-one conversation or while giving feedback to someone. Regardless, perhaps it’s best to reduce the thing called public speaking to something more closely resembling a social interaction instead of standing up in front of a group of people judging you and chastising you (c’mon, you know you’ve created a story this big in your own head before!).
The truth is, becoming a more impactful communicator is really an inside job. It’s not easy to build your skillset if you really want to be consistently impactful as a public speaker, presenter and communicator. But, the process for discovering what works best for you is pretty straightforward (if your coach knows what he/she is doing). I’m not shy about sharing my process, because part of my skill as a coach is bringing my unique self to my work with my clients. And, this, is part of the secret sauce for YOU (no matter who you are) in becoming your best in standing out as a great communicator who happens to do some public speaking every now and then.
Here’s my process for helping leaders and teams learn to take charge of their interactions, be it public speaking, presentations, feedback opportunities or conversations:
Identify and examine the triggers and stressors that get in the way of you being your best. Paradigms, stories we create inside of our heads, and the inability to manage the fight/flight/freeze response can wreak havoc on our ability to think and breathe, let alone put together coherent thoughts into intelligible phrases. This “inside work” is a critical part of the work…and too many don’t pay attention to it, hoping it will just disappear. It’s time to face it, my friend!
Clarify your dream state for how you want to feel, look, and sound. Being focused on these key aspects will provide you clarity for what to focus on as you’re doing your work. This varies for each of my clients because they all have different needs and motivations. I work to push clients to reach farther than whatever their original goal is…because I know they have it in them. Great coaching should help you go further, faster.
Record a baseline video. This is your starting point and something to base your work off of. You can’t change what you’re not aware of. THIS is a powerful tool for awareness, even if it’s (temporarily) agonizing for many.
Discover your best tools through experimentation of new behaviors. This is where you need a coach who knows what he/she is doing to guide you with precision, care and honesty. This step in the process is all about working through possibilities and landing on a few key behavioral shifts that work specifically for you. Video recordings and feedback help you see and determine what’s working and what is not.
Activate your habit through practice, repetition and reinforcement. Behaviors become habits when you decide that they serve you and enhance your communication effectiveness. Repetition creates a new neural pathway in your brain that begins making the work required to accomplish the change less with each new “outing”.
Public speaking. Presentations. Conversations. Communication. Interactions. Whenever you open your mouth to speak, you have an opportunity to move your listeners.
Public speaking isn’t rocket science - it’s body and brain science, risk-taking, paradigm-shifting and habit-creation rolled into one. Making yourself a better presenter and communicator is an inside job - you just have to know where to start.
Public speaking workshops are coming to Columbus, Ohio this year. Reach out to jason@anchoredleadership.com to express interest and receive more information.
“Repetition creates a new neural pathway in your brain that begins making the work required to accomplish the change less with each new “outing”.”