
Through experiential coaching (learning by doing), you gain information and insight needed to develop a communication style that is uniquely your own. You explore, experiment with, and then own the specific skills that make you a more comfortable and more effective communicator. It is highly individualized based upon each clients’ needs and goals. This involves active coaching, video recording and live playback to help facilitate your improvement.

What You Can Expect:

  • Greater understanding of what makes an effective communication style

  • Identification of the personal barriers interfering with confidence, as well as connection with others

  • Evaluation and voice coaching by a licensed speech pathologist, if needed

  • Increased awareness of self and others using video feedback

  • Specific skills to enhance comfort, energy, effectiveness, confidence, and credibility (e.g., body language, vocal tone, etc.)

  • A sustainability plan to ensure ongoing development and application upon completion of the workshop