
Your listeners have never had a shorter attention span than they do today. It’s frustrating when you’ve put time and energy into relationships with key stakeholders, only to end up at the bottom of their priority list. This is a problem because you have something your listeners need. They just don’t know it. Or, you haven’t communicated it to them with enough impact and clarity for them to really care. 

Your messages must stand out in a noisy environment. To stand out, you need a simple, repeatable process centered around your desired outcomes. You must have a way to understand what your listeners care about. You have to know how to move them from where they are to where you want them to be. Start driving the results you need from every interaction.

What You Can Expect:

  • Mastermind format focused on real-life situations

  • Active coaching in a small group setting (12 max)

  • Deepened learning by working through a proven framework

  • An accountability group of peers to support you during and after sessions

  • Techniques for increasing awareness of your listeners

  • Focused training on relevant areas decided by the group