
This interactive session is designed to help your leaders develop a much greater sense of who they are at their best, who they are at their worst, and WHY (this is critical!) they are that way. Having completed pre-work assessments, each participant will receive a comprehensive report to review prior to the session. During the session, we will discuss nine different personality types and the strengths and liabilities of each. We will then dedicate time to breakout discussions to help the entire team identify strategies to operate more effectively by “making space” for each type’s strengths and liabilities. This work on emotional intelligence is based on Daniel Goleman’s four-quadrant model.

What You Can Expect:

  • Comprehensive Enneagram Assessment for each participant

  • Greater sense of self-awareness for all participants – what makes them “tic”

  • An overall idea of the team composite by personality type

  • Interaction that helps the team create best and specific strategies to operate most effectively 

  • Discomfort – this is hard work, but we will ask everyone to “go deep”; In the end, this discomfort will create new perspectives

  • A simple model for each participant to notice and then modify behaviors in the moment, day-to-day – and a completed action plan by each participant to share with their peers and leader